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Alternate Catalogs
2005 - Hauksson and Shearer: locations using double-difference
This is a relocated catalog from SCSN for 1984 to 2002. We have combined both HypoDD and locations determined using 3D velocity models to assemble a complete catalog.
The use of differential travel times from cross-correlation of waveforms is new and improves the clustering of the hypocenters. If an earthquake hypocenter was rejected by hypoDD, we include the hypocenter from SIMULPS, determiend using a 3D velocity model.
The recommended use of this catalog is for analyzing spatial and temporal seismicity patterns.
The magnitudes available from the SCEDC may be more up to date. Any statistical research should be double checked by using magnitudes from the SCEDC.
This catalog differs from the catalog SHLK_1.0 by Shearer et al. 2004 in two respects. First the SHLK_1.0 catalog uses different codes to relocate the earthquakes. Second, the SHLK_1.0 catalog includes quarry blasts that were mostly excluded from this catalog.
Relocations done by Egill Hauksson, and released in February 2004. A high-resolution jpeg map of the latest relocations for the LA Basin. is also available via ftp.
Reference:E. Hauksson and P. Shearer, Southern California Hypocenter Relocation with Waveform Cross-Correlation: Part 1. Results Using the Double-Difference Method, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 95, 896-903, 2005.
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