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Alternate Catalogs

2012 - E. Hauksson, W. Yang, and P. Shearer: Waveform Relocated Earthquake Catalog for Southern California (1981 to 2022)

This page provides links to relocated SCSN catalogs based on the methods described in Hauksson et. al (2012).
Formats and datasets provided below.


Figure 1. Map of waveform relocated earthquake catalog for southern California (1981 to June 2022), based on (Hauksson et. al. 2012).



Hauksson, E. and W. Yang, and P.M. Shearer, "Waveform Relocated Earthquake Catalog for Southern California (1981 to 2011)"; Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., Vol. 102, No. 5, pp.2239-2244, October 2012, doi: 10.1785/0120120010


The 1981-2019 and subsequent versions of the Hauksson et al. (2012) is produced formatted differently from previous versions because we use GrowClust for the final locations. The approach is a follows:
  • First, we relocated the complete catalog with phase picks and a 1d velocity model in Hypoinverse These solutions are labeled ‘1d’
  • Second, we replace all 1d solutions with solutions determined with a 3d velocity model in SIMULPS. These solutions are labeled ‘3d’.
  • Third, we replace 1d or 3d solutions with a GrowClust solution (gc). These are the highest quality solutions that are based on differential travel times determined with cross-correlation. These solutions are labeled ‘gc’.
Most recent dataset on top and older versions included below.

Format and catalog information (2019 dataset to present datasets)
1981-2023 Catalog file (please save as download; updated 10/11/2024)
1981-2022 Catalog file (please save as download; updated 02/16/2023)
1981-2019 Catalog file (please save as download)

Format and catalog information (1981-2018 datasets)
1981-2018 Catalog file (please save as download)
1981-2017 Catalog file (please save as download)
1981-2016 Catalog file (please save as download)
1981-2014 Catalog file (please save as download)
1981-2013 Catalog file (please save as download)
1981-2011 Catalog file (please save as download)

via STP client altloc command:

1981-2013 Catalog is also available via the altloc command in the STP client.