Access Data
Concert Tremor Waveforms
This special data set includes waveform data and associated metadata for a temporary station deployed near SoFi Stadium in Inglewood, CA, during the 2023 Taylor Swift concerts. The station consisted of a Basalt data logger and an Episensor strong motion sensor, recording at 100 sps and 200 sps. Station coordinates: 33.95322 N, -118.3441 E
Tepp, G., I. Stubailo, M. Kohler, R. Guy, and Y. Bozorgnia (2024). Shake to the Beat: Exploring the Seismic Signals and Stadium Response of Concerts and Music Fans, Seismol. Res. Lett., 1–17, doi: 10.1785/0220230385.Files
Figure 1. Spectrograms for all six nights
recorded by station ZY.CIT-E (02:30-07:00 UTC) and included in this data set.
Swift concerts occurred every night except 7 August, which was a break in
the 6-concert/7-night schedule. Only the vertical component is plotted.